There Is More by Randy Clark


This is a powerful and instructive book for all those who are seeking more of God’s Spirit in their lives. I have found it an inspiring blessing that made me thirstier for God. As a result of reading it, I have been crying out in prayer for a greater filling of God’s Spirit.  The reader does need to be willing to stretch out of the mold of their own doctrinal and cultural box to hear the message.  It is a very Pentecostal book in more than one way!

I appreciated immensely the author’s broad view of what God is doing in these days.  “By allowing God to be bigger than our doctrinal traditions, I believe we find faith for Him to bring us into the fullness of what he wants us to be” (p. 232).      In commenting in chapter 12 on how we can glorify God, Clark says, “He is glorified when we finally believe that it is not about what we can do, but all about what he will do through us by his power, if we will let him” (p. 197). I wish every Wesleyan pastor-in-training could read chapter 13; “How to Receive an Impartation.”

This book has three purposes. 

  1. To serve as an apologetic for the revival movement that has spread from the Toronto Airport Fellowship since the mid 90’s.   Randy was a part of that movement and insists that the movement should be judged not by the quirky signs people talked about but by the lasting fruit around the world that has been generated from the lives of those who were touched by God in Toronto.  “The ‘Toronto Blessing’ and other related outpourings have born much fruit but only because they have first borne (sic) the fruit of intimacy with God, then the fruit which naturally flows from intimacy—an impartation of his love and compassion” (p. 172).   He tells the story of many who were touched and what God is doing through them around the world. 
  2. To call into service those who would help in the great revival going on in Mozambique.  Rolland and Heidi Baker are two who were mightily blessed in Toronto who have since been sacrificially ministering in great power in Africa.  “Unless more help comes to the Mozambican people, many converts will be lost.  The few workers are becoming exhausted. Hands are becoming limp from the burden of the weight of the harvest” (p. 220).
  3. As the subtitle says, to reclaim the power of impartation.  Key Biblical background is cited in chapter one, including Hebrews 6:1-3 and other passages relating the relationship of laying on of hands to the impartation of gifts and of the Holy Spirit.   Also cited is Romans 1:11,12 where Paul speaks of  wanting to “impart”  some spiritual gift to strengthen the church.   In stories very reminiscent of the book of Acts itself, Clark gives multiplied testimonies of how God has enabled him and others to impart gifts to others in the church just as Paul prayed would happen.

Another great mark of godliness that I see coming through in this book is humility.   Despite the great things happening, Clark gives credit to God and lifts up what God is doing through others.   His real desire is to see believers living in the Spirit, loving a needy world for God.

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