Bible Text: Romans 3:19-26; 5:12-19 | Preacher: Kelvin S. Jones | Series: Amazing Grace | By grace through the finished work of Jesus, our sins can be forgiven.
Bible Text: Luke 5:33-39 | Preacher: Kelvin S. Jones | Series: More Parables of Jesus Jesus’ way requires new thinking, new habits and new expressions.
Bible Text: Col. 1:9-23 | Preacher: Kelvin S. Jones | Series: Come to the Cross Paul’s metaphors explain how the message of the cross is basic to our salvation.
Bible Text: Judges 6:7-24 | Preacher: Kelvin S. Jones | Series: New Beginnings How Gideon met a new challenge is instructive for us when we face a new chapter in…
Bible Text: Ephesians 4:17-5:2 | Preacher: Pastor Kelvin Jones | Series: 50th Annniversary Makeover Campaign
About the author
Kelvin Jones recently retired as pastor at Copper Hill United Methodist Church. He is married to JoAnne DeSerio Jones. They have one daughter and two grandchildren. He served as a pastor for 44 years. His hobbies are blogging, gardening and walking.
Copper Hill Highlights
Large New Member group with sponsors
Pastor Kelvin Jones with children and "John Wesley" at Copper Hill Church