I recently read the above blog article by Heath Mullikin about why pastors should be bloggers. I totally agree with him. I like his reasons but I think I would have listed different ones. Here are my four.
1. A blog makes studies, devotionals, book reviews, etc. available and accessible to people in the congregation who did not attend that particular study, to those connected more remotely with the congregation through a web of relationships either personal or electronic who may become interested in the studies, and to believers around the world, many of whom do not enjoy the resources that you do.
2. A blog helps the pastor to be real. As I occasionally share events from my own life–vacation accounts, hobbies, things that interest me–the people in the congregation see that I am not a one-dimensional “talking head.” I’m always amazed when people see me in gardening clothes, or dressed for fishing; they do not recognize me because they are so used to thinking of me in my Sunday morning role. When the congregation sees the pastor as a fellow traveler on the road to heaven, a person with human interests like their own, it is easier for them to make connection when you speak on Sunday morning.
3. A blog is a great place to take a stand on community and political issues. Often there are issues you feel compelled to speak to when they arise or come up in the news. Or perhaps there is something you want to talk about but don’t necessarily want to dedicate a whole worship service or message to it. A blog provides the perfect forum. It is also a great place to take part in the cyberspace dialogues about issues of our day. It is a way to be part of what is happening in the world rather than isolated within the four walls of your church and the confines of its cliques.
4. Reading a blog is a great way for people who are looking for a church to get to know the pastor before they actually meet him. By reading what you write, they can learn a lot about how you treat Scripture, how you treat those with whom you disagree, what you tend to focus on, the passions of your heart, your family life, and your vision for the church. There is no doubt that people today check out churches on the web before they ever darken the door. They choose churches to visit by perusing their webpages. The pastor’s blog may be your best online advertisement.
So now you have at least eight reasons. Have you started blogging yet?