News Commentary

How President Obama can answer Republicans on a tax increase for the super rich

Here’s how I would answer the Republicans if I were President Obama.

“The Republicans have labeled my proposal for new taxes on the super rich as class warfare.   That’s a Marxist term and here in America we don’t think  that way.   We believe in sharing the load according to our gifting–that’s a Biblical concept.   In this case the super rich have volunteered to help shoulder the burden of re-balancing our country’s economy and I am simply proposing that we accept their offer.”

A suggestion for Republicans

I also think that if Romney or Perry would endorse the President on this they would strengthen their own candidacy.  It would show willingness to compromise which the electorate is desperate to see.  It would also show a Republican not completely protecting big money–a welcome change.  And it would hint that the candidate was able to buck the libertarian economic far right–a group which scares the independent center.

News Commentary

On new taxes as part of the work of the super committee

When one of the richest men in America agrees with the president and others that it is time to add additional taxes for the very wealthy, it is time for everyone to listen.    The facts that Mr. Buffett lists regarding the actual decreases in taxes for the super wealthy have been cited by others but Republicans seem deaf.    I am a Republican and I think Buffett is right.   I hope this super committee has courage to listen.