Journal Wisdom

The importance of marriage confirmed again

This article summarizes statistical research on the economic effects of marriage. It supplies stark evidence that marriage is one of the greatest factors combating poverty. The research urges young people simply to marry after age 20 and to marry before having children. If they do these three things they will have nearly an 80% chance of avoiding poverty. The support for the importance of marriage and its superiority to mere co-habitation is astounding.

Journal News Commentary Wisdom

A philosophy of helping others to consider

This city pastor has a great perspective on the way to approach helping people in city neighborhoods.   Granby area clergy are currently considering an initiative that would fit with his philosophy.   The initiative being considered involves helping resource the choice program through which some city students attend Granby schools.


News Commentary

Blessed are those who remember the poor

An alliance such as this on a given political issue is a powerful political force and is long overdue.   The Christian church is too often ignored by politicians because they are so divided.  When we can speak with a united voice, we cannot be scorned.  

In addition, from what I read, I am in total agreement that the proposed budget cuts fall too heavily on the poor and not heavily enough upon the large corporations, military-industrial sector and wealthiest Americans.    The poor have no lawyers and lobbyists on the payroll to help them out.