Journal News Commentary Wisdom

Sexuality may be more fluid than our culture thinks

My reading of brain research has pointed toward the conclusion that human sexual orientation is more fluid than is culturally believed to be true.  This has been heretical to say.  If you are from a conservative religious perspective as I am, it was considered homophobic to say lest it undermine the gay political arguments.  But also, it is usually not the way we experience our own sexuality as the following author also admits.   The linked article is by a gay author who is arguing for the fluidity of sexual orientation, not just from his personal experience, but from scientific evidence and the conclusions of respected groups as well.    He holds that sexual orientation derives from multiple sources.


Journal News Commentary Wisdom

An excellent essay opposed to gay marriage

From the pen of Pastor Jim Garlow, a Wesleyan pastor from California, and now a national leader in the battle to preserve Biblical values in our country, comes a tremendous essay explaining the consequences of the state’s adoption of gay marriage.  I highly recommend it.  It is one of the clearest statements I have read concerning the reasons why states should not allow gay marriage.  I agree whole-heartedly with Dr. Garlow.   I have heard him speak several  times and read some of his writings.  He is an absolutely brilliant historian as well as a great pastor.

News Commentary

Colson’s essay on gay by choice is excellent

Charles Colson, a clear thinker and writer for the Christian church, has nailed it with this essay.   Gay activists are often unwilling to admit that choice plays any part despite testimonials from people like the actress Colson cites and from homosexuals who have chosen to go straight.   As I have written before, the evidence as I see it shows that while in the short term, our hormones may seem to dominate us;  in the long run, our brain has far more shaping influence through the choices we make than our hormones do.


News Commentary

Challenging the gay rights crusade again

These two news articles present two good reasons why gay marriage is not right for America.   This is not about them being able to secure additional rights; this is really about gay persons seeking society’s  approval for their immoral lifestyle.  Gov. Andrew Cuomo unconsciously acknowledged this when he spoke about giving gays legitimacy when he signed the bill approving gay marriage in New York State.   That is exactly the issue.   These activists are not happy unless they can force the rest of us to say their actions are okay.  As the attack on Bachman shows, it is not okay for others to believe or practice differently than they desire.    They are definitely not happy for the rest of us to simply “let them live” so to speak.  They insist that we also approve. 

But they cannot coerce our beliefs or our consciences. They cannot change the convicting words of Holy Scripture, either Old Testament or New Testament.   So they seek legitimacy through laws and education.    

As the California initiative indicates, now traditional family-values people of all faiths are the ones needing protection from their crusade to brainwash our children.   Teaching morality is the job of parents and churches first.  It is also the job of schools, but only as delegated servants of the parents.   Education divorced from morality is not education.   But when schools are forced by governmental authorities to teach something with which the majority of parents morally disagree, it is a grave injustice and it undermines the authority and legitimacy of the educational system.   No wonder the number of homeschoolers increases yearly.