Forward Look Journal

Advent Christmas series titled The Light of the World

Every year as we approach the Christmas season, we automatically focus on Bible passages in Luke chapter 2:1-20 and Matthew chapter 2:1-12 where the Christmas story is found.   As I was thinking about the Advent/Christmas messages for this year I thought about the fact that the gospel of John also introduces the story of Jesus in its own rich way.  It would be different, and enlightening to explore John 1:1-18 during the Christmas season and allow its deep theological themes to weave in and out of the Christmas narratives in our minds and holiday celebrations.   So, after prayer and study, that is how I’ve designed the Advent/Christmas series for this year.  



Advent/Christmas Series – The Light of the World

A study of Jesus in John 1:1-18




Suggested carol(s)

Nov. 27

Way Before Christmas

John 1:1-3

Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne (169)

Dec. 4

The Word

John 1:1

What Child Is This (180)

Dec. 11

The Light

John 1:4-9

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (181)

O Little Town of Bethlehem (192)

Dec. 18

Not Received Well

John 1:10-13

We Three Kings (197)

I Heard the Bells (196)

Dec. 24

The Word Made Flesh

John 1:14

Gentle Mary Laid Her Child

Angels, from the Realms of Glory (182)

Dec. 25

Gifts of Grace

John 1:15-18

O Come All Ye Faithful (178)


Journal Joy Notes

JoAnne’s Book Arrives

JoAnne writes a book

For the past eighteen months, my wife has been busy with the process of writing a book called God with Us – 50 True Stories of God’s Faithfulness.   She has spent many hours interviewing people, writing, rewriting, editing and proof-reading, and coordinating with those whose stories are included.  It was a longer process that she thought when she first set out to compile 50 testimony stories to go with our church’s 50th anniversary celebration.  Everyone who has a story included in the book either currently attends or has at some time attended Community Wesleyan Church.  This makes the book very unique.   After it was finished, she reflected that it really tells much about our church without intending to.

Impressive endorsements

JoAnne asked General Superintendent and Founder of World Hope International, Jo Anne Lyon, to write the foreword.  She agreed and wrote a powerful encouraging word.   Endorsements by Dr. Shirley Mullen, President of Houghton College; Dr. Jack Connell, Senior Vice President at Roberts Wesleyan College and Northeastern Seminary; Dr. David Thompson, Professor at Asbury Seminary; Rev. Wayne Wager, District Superintendent; and Rev. Larry Nemitz, Vice Chairman of the Board at Community Wesleyan are all very impressive, glowing and so helpful.  

Excited to begin sales of the book

For the last six weeks JoAnne worked with professional editor, James Watkins, and published through ACW Press.  Wednesday, she was pleasantly surprised when the boxes containing the first 200 books showed up on our back step two weeks ahead of schedule.   What a moment of accomplishment to see the results of all that hard work in your hands.   Now she is busy distributing free and promotional copies and planning book signing events.   She is even considering joining Facebook to talk about her book. 



Fall Beauty; First Frost at our House


Red maple in our lawn

It was a frosty beginning to beautiful bright clear fall morning today. The leaves on the red maples are just past peak and falling fast in response to the cold. This is the first frost and is one of the latest first frosts I ever remember. Seems like I remember when we first moved here 20 years ago covering tomatoes in late August because of danger of frost.  Anyway, now the fall work of cleaning up the garden can begin in earnest.



Church Leadership Journal

Annual ordination service has definite international flavor.

The annual service of ordination for new ministers is one of the highlights of the church year.  This year it had a decidedly international texture.   Seven people were ordained; five men and two women.   One of them was pastor Par Thoo, who just graduated from Burmese Bible school and has been pastoring at Utica Karen Wesleyan Church.  He was wearing a bright blue plaid Karen coat.  A Karen soloist named Snowbell sang in English and then partnered with a Karen tenor as lead singers with the Karen choir.  Parts of the service were interpreted by Saw Kler for the members of the Karen congregation.   General Superintendent JoAnne Lyon illustrated her message with powerful anecdotes from her mission travels in Africa and Asia.  And after the ordinations were completed she gave each ordinand a handmade cross purchased in Sierra Leone, South Africa or Colombia. JoAnne and I, Pastor Eric and Magda, Ben Mackey and Kim attended.  Nancy Zecher, Marilyn Wilsch, Brenda VanDuser, Cindy Center and her granddaughter came too because Roberta Davis of our district’s Wesleyan Women ministry was also among those ordained.  The service was hosted by one of our district’s largest churches, Crosswinds Wesleyan in Canandaigua. 


Paragraphing restored

Today I say many thanks to my tech man, Steven Sgroi, for figuring out why WordPress was stripping the paragraphing out of my posts and pages. The pages I have written recently read so much more easily with the paragraphing restored. He said it had to do with the “editor.” Thank you Steven

Forward Look Journal

On the nature of blogging today

100th comment from Germany

I received my 100th comment on my blog today.  It was a TrackBack.  I left it up because of its significance.   It was from an advertisement site, but the interesting part was that the site was in German.   That is quite significant.   My count statistics plug-in tells me that the number of visitors to my blog from Germany is equal to about one third of the number of visitors from the United States.   Visitor count from the third-highest country, the Ukraine, falls off quickly to one third of that from Germany.   The third-highest number of reads comes from Hong Kong.  I am amazed to discover that the total reads outside the United States is approximately equal to the number of reads in the United States.  So my 100th comment reminds me that I blog in a very international setting.    

100th comment a precisely targeted ad

Secondly, the advertisement is for a Kindle reader and it is attached to the article I wrote about whether physical libraries are already becoming obsolete.  Much of the spam I delete from my blog is attached almost randomly to any article that the spammer thinks may attract attention.  But this trackback ad was different.  It was targeted very specifically to the relevant article on the topic addressing the exact issue that fitted the item being sold.  This shows the true power of targeted Internet connectivity.  I predict more advertising money diverted from the scatter-guns of mass mail and broadcast media to the focused targeting potential of the Internet.


Church Leadership Journal

JoAnne and I Attended Burmese Bible School Graduation

What a joy for JoAnne and I to attend Burmese Bible School (BBS) graduation on Saturday, Oct. 1.  The school has been organized to meet the need for pastors to serve the burgeoning population of Burmese speaking immigrants.  Many of these immigrants are Christians as they come from ethnic groups influenced by the tremendous pioneering missionary ministry of Adoniram Judson.  Both Pastor Eric and I have occasionally taught at the school along with many other pastors from our district.   It is taught in Burmese so we teach through a translator. I have taught courses in church leadership and in homiletics.  Pastor Eric has taught theology.  One of the greatest joys was to see the three Burmese churches of our district all gathered to celebrate with the graduates.  Youth choirs from the mainly Chin congregation at Midler Avenue and from the chiefly Karen congregation at Utica and from the Burmese group at Lyncourt all sang as did the BBS choir.  I was impressed with the thought as I saw all the Burmese faces:  I am helping to train shepherds for all these.  It is a big privilege and also a weighty responsibility. 


Life Chain is a reminder that God is pro-life

I stopped by the Life Chain in North Syracuse this afternoon to support the witness against abortion.   I was late but glad to stand in the chain for at least part of the afternoon to say publicly once again that I am pro-life because I believe that God is pro-life!  According to Psalm 139, he is involved in the forming of every child. 

You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.   Ps 139:13-14 NIV

Thankfully, that message is making some headway in America as surveys now show that a majority of Americans agree that abortion is morally wrong.   May God help more and more people to value life as God does.


Forward Look Journal

October messages planned

In an article written before hurricane Lee, Atlantic magazine had already called 2011: the year of the disaster.  Even without the difficult economic times of our year, and the sobering reminder provided by the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the natural disasters of the year have given us all pause to think. I feel led during the month of October to examine the writings of an ancient prophet who spoke to Israel in a time following a natural disaster.    The series will begin October 9 and is called the Power of Prayer.  The prophet’s name was Joel.   October 2 is World Communion Sunday so together with Christians around the world we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper then.


Date Sermon plan Scripture
Oct 2 Message:   In the Name of Jesus – because of relationship, according to his character, made possible by his provision Heb. 10:19-25;
John  16:23-28
Oct 9   Start a new series from Joel called:  The Power of Prayer.   The first message:  Speaking in a Day of Disaster Joel 1:1-2:11
Oct 16   Rediscovering the sacred assembly Joel 2:15-27
Oct 23   Personal repentance: What is it?
Pastor Eric preaching
Joel 2:12,13
Oct 30    The valley of decision Joel 2:28-3:21



Problem with WordPress

Please pardon the lack of paragraphs in my writing recently. Since the last upgrade, the program has been stripping them out. Steven and I are working on it but have not found a solution yet.