Church Leadership Journal News Commentary Wisdom

Comments on the Mega-Millions Jackpot

It is a commentary on our society when the jackpot or the winners for government sponsored gambling becomes the banner headline news.  Is there nothing more important, more transformational, more threatening, or more informative going on today that should be the banner headlines?  I consider it an insult that news media seem to think I find who won to be the most newsworthy information today.

It’s what sells, not what’s important that we see

First, it is a commentary on what runs the news media.   We are not fed what is important or what is significant, but rather what people will click or buy –that is, what will sell ads.   So news executives are not promoted primarily because they serve society well but because they pander to the whims of the slice of society who click on (buy) news.   I contend that when we decide to make mega-million jackpots the banner headline, we should consider the detrimental effect of promoting the economic parasite of gambling.  

Church Leadership Journal News Commentary Wisdom

Why going to church is important to you and your children

Often people ask me if they can be a Christian and not go to church.   I think it would be like trying to be a gourmet cook without frequenting the produce department of the grocery store; or trying to be a good basketball player without going to practices.  The excuses people use for staying away are sometimes funny, sometimes sad, and often revealing.     Since Easter, the high point of the Christian year, is little more than a week away,  this is a great time to remind ourselves of just how important it is to express our faith and grow in it by gathering together.  Here is a good article summarizing why attending church is important.


Church Leadership Journal

How to make the most of a church’s 50th anniversary

This year Community Wesleyan Church is celebrating its 50th Anniversary.   With God’s help, we have worked hard to use this event, not just to celebrate the past or have a party, though we will do those too, but also to launch our church forward into its next decade with momentum and clarity of vision.   Our aim is not only to celebrate God’s faithfulness in the past, but also to look forward with faith to his future acts through and on behalf of his people.

Since we have been complimented on how well this celebration is going so far, I thought I would write a couple articles about how it has happened.   What have we done right that helped it happen?

Set a precedent at lesser anniversaries

As I reflect, the first ingredient of the success of this celebration plan has actually been the precedent that we set in previous anniversaries.   No one argued, as sometimes happen, about whether we should celebrate; it was a given.  The only question was how.   We had in varied ways marked every five year anniversary since I arrived as pastor 21 years ago.   In fact, as I look back, the variety in itself was a helpful part of the precedent we had set.  Many of the activities for the celebration had been tested before.  For example, for the 45th anniversary, we had decided to send a short term missions team to Romania.  It was a big goal for us.  But it was a success and so it was natural to decide a few years later to include sending another missions team as one of the ministries that would mark the 50th.      As a part of the 40th we had a great feast.  That idea will be part of this celebration as well, though it will be carried out a little differently.    If we had not set a precedent by celebrating lesser anniversaries, I do not think we would have been ready to create the excitement and energy that have gathered around this celebration.

Start early

Journal News Commentary

Spring flowers seem very early

These crocus more than two weeks early this year

The weatherman says things are warming up early.
We really didn’t need him to tell us. I’ve had sonowdrops and crocus blooming already for several days. I have daffodils heavily budded and one hyacinth near the house showing purple too. Al Sgroi says he has already planted peas.

Journal News Commentary

I’m glad I switched to tea

Here’s another article on the bad news from sugared soda.  I still drink them occasionally.  But I think the occasionally will be less now.   Choosing diet soda is clearly better than sugared soda in this study.   I know I saved a bundle in dentist bills after I switched from soda to tea.


Journal Joy Notes

Red Wing Blackbirds, An Early Sign of Spring

Yesterday, or the day before, my friend George Raterman called me with the news that he had a red-winged blackbird in his bird feeders.   This morning my feeder was overrun by a mixed flock of starlings and red-wing blackbirds.   It’s a definite early sign of spring for us nature lovers and bird watchers.  Even in a mild winter like this one, we are glad to see it, even if the bird seed does disappear quickly.  

Journal Joy Notes Who Am I

More pictures of our Grandson

As grandparents for the first time, we just can’t help ourselves.  We have to show pictures of our grandson.  And besides, people are always asking us for pictures.  So I’ve added 10 more to the Samuel Stater – first days gallery.  

Church Leadership Forward Look Journal

Great Commandments and Great Commission reasons for two services

Yesterday I was having a conversation with someone about our two service system.   I was prompted to write up the thoughts that have come to mind as a result of that conversation and publish them.  I think they will be helpful to many people in our church and in other churches. 

Great Commandments and Great Commission reasons for two services

Journal News Commentary Wisdom

A great article against increasing legal gambling

I am very opposed to the government making money from its citizens by promoting gambling of any kind. It is immmoral as it is a way for the powerful to shirk responsibility and to rob the vulnerable instead. In the following article Albert Mohler Jr. argues convincingly that besides being immoral, increasing casino gambling is also counter-productive financially for communities.


New Theme for my blog

Thanks to my tech man, Steven Sgroi, I have a crisp new theme which I like much better. I hope my readers enjoy the new look.