These pages will be used for shorter Bible studies. They will usually be arranged in nested series. Within each series, the format will be similar.
Jesus Intercedes for Us
This series of pages was generated from a series of studies on John 17, Jesus high priestly prayer. Our Wednesday evening intercessors' group studied this series together from May to September of 2012. Besides my own study, resources for the series included: The key resource was Our Lord Prays for His Own by Marcus Rainsford, Kregel Classics,...
Insights from the Books of the Law
Learning from the OT is a little different. We often do not study the books of the Old Testament in an organized verse-by-verse way as we study New Testament books. OT books are much longer for one thing and not so easily managed in time-limited series. For another reason, they are narrative history books...
Difficult passages explained
This series of pages seeks to help the reader understand passages that are often considered difficult and to do so in a way that is both faithful to Scripture and enlightening to the modern reader.
Difficult Passages Series — Spring 2010
This is a series that I study together with our Wednesday evening Intercessors group. It delves into difficult passages that the group suggests which present problems for interpretation. Most of the texts were suggested by the group. Occasionally, I will choose a passage which illustrates an issue raised in a question from the group. This section contains studies from...
Difficult Passages Series – Winter 2010
This is a series that I study together with our Wednesday evening Intercessors group. It delves into difficult passages that the group suggests which present problems for interpretation. Most of the texts were suggested by the group. Occasionally, I will choose a passage which illustrates an issue raised in a question from the group.
Journey into Joy Series –Spring 2011
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