A Cup of Gold
A week ago, just before the hard frost, I rushed out, despite having arrived home after dark, and grabbed armloads of marigolds. I put them in five gallon buckets filled one-third with water and brought them inside. That set the stage for more flower arranging fun. I completed a fall bouquet I enjoy doing – a 360 degree pot of gold- marigolds that is – in an oversized cup.
Extending a bouquet’s life
I also decided to use my new supply of marigolds to renew my arrangement in the “real McCoy” bowl. The marigolds in it were fading and I thought some new ones would extend the life of my bouquet. While I was at it I made some other improvements. When you look at an arrangement on the table for a few days, it seems like you always think of ways it could be improved. I like the results!