New sermon series planned

I’m looking forward to the February sermon series called, The Heart of a Loving Family.  The first two Sundays of February I plan to study together in Colossians 3:1-17, a passage that has much to teach about how to have good relationships.    The title is Heart Cleaning Helps and next week, on Valentines’ Day the subject is Spiritual Redecorating.    The sermon Feb. 21 will reinforce the importance of the marriage covenant as we talk about some benefits of marriage and why God says he hates divorce.

Feb. 28 is Preschool  Sunday and children from Noah’s Ark Christian Preschool and their families will be in our 10:30 a.m. service.   The message that morning will be on The Five Love Languages for Children.

By pastorkelvin

Pastor Kelvin S. Jones has been a pastor for forty years. He continues to pastor a small congregation during his semi-retirement years. His wife JoAnne is an integral partner with him in ministry.