There was a real excitement in the meeting of the 50th Anniversary committee last night, a real sense that it was a privilege to be able to mark this milestone of God’s faithfulness and look forward to the future of our church. I chose devotions from 1 Sam. 7:7-17, describing how Samuel built an Ebenezer stone (“stone of help”) to commemorate God’s help in Israel’s victory over their enemies. Pastor Eric referred us to the account in Joshua where Israel built a monument of 12 stones to remind everyone of God’s parting the waters of the Jordan. We reflected upon how in a sense the whole idea of celebrating an anniversary and all the ways we mark it are an “Ebenezer”, a “Stone of Remembrance.”
The committee starting thinking about an overall theme. One suggestion was “Celebrating the Past – Welcoming the Future!”
And we also set up a subcommittee framework. During the next month, we will be looking for God’s leaders and members for each subcommittee. Steven will start working on a website addition to cover the 50th Anniversary and highlight the history of the church too.
I don’t usually get too excited over committee meetings, but somehow I found this one exhilarating.