Americana Journal Who Am I

Christmas Village Fun 2024

“Wheels are rolling!”

Open House Season

It has been a joy for my wife and I to welcome about forty people to our home in the various open house events that we have hosted. We love to have our friends and neighbors visit anyway and the Christmas village set provides the attraction. JoAnne and generous friends provide goodies and everyone has a good time. It is the very most fun when a couple little folks are present and I am down on the floor with them helping them run the trains. However, the Lionel LionChief system is so simple that preschoolers can run trains with a minimum of instruction. But the children quickly learn the older system too.

Dawn view

Christmas village 2024 dawn view
Dawn is a great time to take pictures of the Christmas village (click to enlarge)

Vignettes make it interesting

When I design the set, I try to arrange mini scenes within the large one. This is a big part of the fun of the set-up. This year, I was gifted two trucks with headlights by Kris Hayden. That provided an essential prop for the featured picture scene with the pick-up truck being used to illuminate the church manger scene while the outdoor carol sing is in progress.

Christmas village Hardware store vignette

The second truck is seen in this scene of workers unloading from it after dark at the hardware store. I hope the driver in the red car isn’t too impatient.


Here’s another group of carolers stopping at a home like our youth group used to do when I was young. Perhaps an elderly Grandma is huddled by the woodstove for which the man and boy are splitting and stacking wood.

Christmas village right side

This piece (my wife’s favorite) makes its own vignette but I enhance it with the hot-chocolate stand in front and the tourist bus. Also (not shown) there is an outhouse off to the right partially hidden in the pines.

American Girl dolls visit

Molly and her friend visited

Molly (in braids) and her friend Samantha visited the set this week! Our daughter’s Mom-in-law, Sue Stater, enjoys American Girl dolls and often brings Molly and a friend along when she stops by to visit. It’s another way to have fun with a Christmas village.

Do we ever have wrecks?

Since it is obvious that my display has limited access to the back of the lower tracks, I am usually asked about wrecks. Do the trains roll? How do I handle it? Of course we have wrecks–and sometimes in the back where things get difficult. I do my best to prevent them by good track preparation. But they happen. For example, this year a car’s weak coupler opened in the back and I didn’t see the separated train as I was talking. The engine came around and then smashed into the back of the stalled train, derailing it in the worst spot. I had to enlarge a hidden access hole and haul the engine, tender, and derailed car up through it. I was then able to push the remainder of the train to a spot where I could reach it. And currently, Thomas the Tank engine is still under the platform having been rolled clear of the track by an enthusiastic young engineer. But overall, we’ve had a pretty trouble-free run this year! My philosophy is that if it is too fancy or expensive for kids to play with, it is not something I want to own. I find that if I do have something I consider too fragile, it just doesn’t get run.


Here are a few more pictures to enjoy. Click on a picture to enlarge it.

Americana Country Touches Journal Who Am I

More Flower Fun

A Cup of Gold

A week ago, just before the hard frost, I rushed out, despite having arrived home after dark, and grabbed armloads of marigolds. I put them in five gallon buckets filled one-third with water and brought them inside. That set the stage for more flower arranging fun. I completed a fall bouquet I enjoy doing – a 360 degree pot of gold- marigolds that is – in an oversized cup.

Extending a bouquet’s life

Renewed bouquet
Renewed bouquet

I also decided to use my new supply of marigolds to renew my arrangement in the “real McCoy” bowl. The marigolds in it were fading and I thought some new ones would extend the life of my bouquet. While I was at it I made some other improvements. When you look at an arrangement on the table for a few days, it seems like you always think of ways it could be improved. I like the results!

Americana Country Touches Journal Who Am I

Marigolds in a Real McCoy!

A vase from Grandma

In one of my visits to my sister, the topic of conversation turned to our grandmother’s flower vase and pot collection. We reminisced that grandma had some pots and vases by the classic pottery maker named McCoy. I guess that’s where the old idiom came from, “It’s the real McCoy.” Long story short, my sister, MarySue, who inherited my Grandma’s last house, found the beautiful McCoy bowl shown above down cellar and gifted it to me along with a violet pot. The bowl was made for old fashioned flower arrangements using “flower frogs” which were small metal or plastic bases with spikes pointing upward. I remember Grandma having them and I think I could still see the clay marks where Grandma had used two of them in this bowl. Of course, I used foam taped down in back. What a joy to fill it with marigolds-well, mostly marigolds. I threw in some coneflower seed pods, drying hydrangea blooms, a little sedum, some zinnias, and one re-blooming rose to make this fall arrangement.

Marigold row 2024
Marigold row 2024

I love marigolds

My marigolds which I grow from the seeds of the previous year’s crop have been spectacular this year. I love that they bloom with such warm colors and they last right up until frost. Personally, I also love the pungent smell as I arrange them. It is a much slower task than arranging zinnias or gladiolas as there are many side branches and leaves to be removed. But the result is always so cheery. And by growing a mix of colors the marigolds themselves provide contrast in the bouquet.

Bouquet of marigolds
Bouquet of marigolds and zinnias

I bring in lots of flowers

As to procedure, I brought in the flowers the day before, stuffing the armloads of cut marigolds in a five gallon bucket filled one third with water. Grandma called that overnight wait “hardening” them. Then the next day, I got out my small floral scissors and floral foam, picked out the vases I wanted to fill, and went to work. I spread the flowers out on newspapers on a table first. The newspapers make clean-up much simpler. I have an empty bucket at my feet to catch the snippings for the compost pile. Typically I have brought in enough flowers for at least two bouquets. The second bouquet for this batch is pictured above. One benefit of taking pictures of my bouquets these days is that an app will bring them up in succeeding years “on this day.”

Americana Journal Who Am I

Daylily Clumps

Let those daylilies multiply!

As daylily lovers, we get used to pictures of perfect single blooms. Catalogs tout them; proud growers post them. Plus we take plenty of those kind ourselves too. But, what really impresses in the garden are the daylily clumps that have been tended for years and are producing a truly beautiful display. I am blessed to have several such beauties in front of my house. I don’t even try to count the number of scapes they are pushing out anymore. But I sure do appreciate the beauty!

Ruby Spider

Blushing Summer Valentine

In this post I am featuring pictures from blooming clumps of daylilies. Even then, because of composition considerations, often the picture only focuses on part of the clump’s full output. My daylily clumps tell a story too. This one originated in my grandmother’s garden (Frans Hal below). That one is a gift from a friend (the pink one). I can tell you the story about the lakeside garden where I purchased this one (Red Sails in the Sunset). One came from beside my brother Phil’s warehouse (the purple bordered one). And so it goes. Here’s such a collection.

Frans Hal

Red Sails in the Sunset

Country Touches Journal

Bear Exterminator

This bear was helpful!

Early this summer, I was weeding along the fence line and I was unpleasantly surprised by a yellow jacket sting. Fortunately, I am not allergic. I thought that there was a ground nest so I just stayed clear. Later, while admiring daylilies, I was shocked to discover a football sized nest hanging from the bottom of the fence partially hidden in the grasses I had left. I checked on hiring an exterminator, but the price was not in my budget.

However, I remembered that twice on my property, the local bear had dug up a nest of yellow jackets to eat the developing larva. I said a silent prayer that he would visit my fence row for the same purpose. But I also remembered that another year I had a big ground nest of yellow jackets which the bear did not touch.

yellow jacket nest destroyed
yellow jacket nest destroyed by the bear

Well, as you can see from the above picture, the bear did his job. Very little remains of what had become an even more massive nest. I believe he may have visited on one of those very rainy nights, probably to minimize the wasps defense. Anyway, I am very grateful for his help. It is an answer to my prayer. And he didn’t even disturb a daylily!


Botanical Photographer Visits on Open Garden Day

Beth McIntyre of Beez Botanicals stops by for daylily pictures

On July 11 and 14, JoAnne and I hosted “open garden” days to give neighbors and friends an opportunity and excuse to drop by and enjoy the daylilies. This time of year I have over fifty varieties in bloom. Several visitors took pictures. Some of you my know Beth McIntyre from her work in real estate in our area. In fact, she helped us to purchase this property and we are very grateful to her for that. One of Beth’s hobbies is nature photography. She especially loves taking pictures of flowers and then tweaking them with the tools she has. So it was a natural fit for Beth to drop in a couple times to shoot some daylilies. You can look up the Facebook page for her photography avocation at Beez Botanicals and see several more shots she took during her visits. She has graciously gifted me more of them which you can see here.

Superimposed purple spider daylily
Photo by Beth McIntyre of Beez Botanicals
  • Grandma's tall coral daylily
    Photo by Beth McIntyre of Beez Botanicals
Country Touches Journal Joy Notes Who Am I

It’s Daylily Season

Open garden scheduled

Kelvin’s daylily garden is about at its peak with around fifty different varieties in bloom. A couple early ones have already completed their season and some late ones are yet to start. The Joneses are inviting friends who would like to drop by to an open garden time on Friday, July 12 and and Sunday July 14 at 1:30 PM for a couple hours. Lemonade and cookie refreshments are planned.

Church Leadership Journal Joy Notes Meditations Wisdom

Easter Service at Copper Hill Church

Jesus’ Victory is Contagious was the theme

Watch the service

I was privileged to be asked along with my wife to speak at and lead the Easter celebration at Copper Hill church this past Sunday. Pulpit supply there has been week-to-week lately and it was great joy when supervising pastor Rev. Gene Ott called and asked if I would return for the first time since I retired to lead on Easter. So I am including a link to the service above.

By special permission, JoAnne gathered a choir and arranged an Easter hymn titled, “That Easter Day” for us. It was a compilation of familiar hymn melodies with less familiar but beautiful Easter hymn words. JoAnne brought her harp and played “Rejoice, the Lord is King” and also brought the idle church keyboard back to life. Her piano students, Morgan and Malia Gabbidon, treated us to an inspiring piano duet of “Come Thou Almighty King.”

My message for the day titled “Contagious Victory” reminded us that God has blessed us to be able as Christians to appropriate Jesus’ victory to our own lives. Because he was victorious, we can in his strength overcome the challenges that we face as well. My text was,

In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Romans 8:37 NIV

The cross of Jesus appeared to be the victory of hate and envy.  But in the light of Easter, it became evident that on the cross, God’s Love had spoken an unconquerable word of loving forgiveness which would echo around the world and down through the ages.  The word “love” itself has been forever redefined by Jesus’ giving of himself.  The very concept of servant-leadership was created and exemplified in Jesus.   The love of Jesus continues to be contagious and to speak a better word as it is spread around the world through disciples like you and me!

Jesus’ great Easter Victory is the victory of wholeness over brokenness and of righteousness over sin in our daily lives.  I observed that victory in Jesus is really a very practical thing.  As early as the writings of Moses, the Bible encourages us to follow God’s ways, “that it may go well” with us.  That connection is found seven times in Deuteronomy (Deut. 4:40; 5:16; 6:3; 6:18; 12:25; 19:13; 22:7; Jer. 7:23; Eph. 6:3).  Walking in Jesus’ ways, listening to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit as we choose our daily lifestyle, leads to a different way of living. We still have troubles, we still make mistakes, but even in them, we make better choices because those choices are influenced by Holy Scripture and its values.   The fact is that God’s ways are more wholesome ways that generally lead to life and health.  The long-term salutary effects of our Christian walk are then one very important way that we become more than conquerors through him who loved us. And… the victory that Jesus won becomes contagious in our lives.

Jesus’ victory over death is contagious for us as well. When we stand by the casket of our loved ones, it seems like death has won again.  But the eyes of faith see differently.  The Bible says that Christians do not grieve as others do (1 Thess. 4:13). Why?  Because they can see a glimpse of the possibilities introduced by Jesus’ Day of Resurrection! 

It is written: “I believed; therefore, I have spoken.” Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak, because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to himself.

2 Corinthians 4:13-14 NIV

The joyful conclusion is that because the resurrection power of Easter morning is also at work in us (Ephesians 1:19,20), Jesus can turn the brokenness of our lives into a fountain of grace! His victory is indeed contagious!

Journal News Commentary

I’m for Nikki Haley

It’s time for a new conservative leader.

Nikki Haley has distinguished herself as governor from South Carolina and ambassador to the United Nations. I am rooting for her for President this year! We seem to have an issue in our country getting past name recognition. Whoever people are familiar with from TV and the headlines get the vote too easily. Trump and Biden are the current examples. Despite Trump’s early primary victories, I believe Nikki Haley is the better choice for Republicans for several reasons.

First, there is the issue of aging, an issue facing both Democrats and Republicans. Indications from their speeches are that Trump and Biden, like all the rest of us, are not avoiding the inevitable effects of advancing age. Both Trump and Biden are too old for the Presidency. Nikki Haley is a next-generation leader and that is what we need in the White House. Age is one reason one poll showed Haley to be a more formidable opponent for Biden than Trump.

Second, are Trump’s political liabilities. Though he is ever popular with his base, he has shown himself to be a divisive figure in our country overall. In both New Hampshire and South Carolina, polls showed his appeal had concerning limits especially among educated and independent voters. One review from South Carolina said that one fifth of Republicans there said they would not vote for Trump.

Third, Trump’s court entanglements are a major issue. How can voters ignore when a candidate is accused of so many different violations of the law? And some are suggesting that there is a chance he may be convicted of some counts against him. While voters are willing to think that the accusations are political, will they interpret a jury verdict differently? At the very least, the prospective candidate’s time and money would be greatly divided.

Fourth, there is the issue of character. Good character is the first requirement of leadership. Why does Trump have to pressure people like McConnell to endorse him? In my experience, those who voted for Trump before, did so for party loyalty or to support particular issues, overlooking his character issues. By voting for Haley, we can vote for one whose character we respect as well.

Americana Country Touches Journal Who Am I

Nostalgia filled puzzle

A picture that evokes memories

Puzzle season is in full swing at our house. I just finished this gem. It is a favorite these days because it reminds me of so many things from my childhood.  Take, for example, the big stove.  While the style of this stove is from an earlier generation, we had a wood stove in the kitchen when I was growing up. I helped split wood for it as a teenager.  (The pieces for our stove needed to be half the size of the chunks in the picture too.)  I remember eating pancakes cooked on that stove quite often. They were a favorite noontime food at our farmhouse. The stove in the picture has a separate opening in the front where wood can be inserted. Our stove did not. Wood was inserted through the round grate on the top. I remember distinctly the tool that went in that little rectangular hole in the top circular grate. One night my mother used it as a prop for a spiritual lesson for her teenage son. She noted how she used that stove poker, as we called it, for so many things. Its manufactured purpose was to lift the hot grates. But we used it also to stoke the stove, moving the pieces of wood wherever they needed to be. It was just a handy little thing. Mom pointed out a lesson that I have never forgotten. If we would allow ourselves to be used by God for his good purposes, whatever that might be, we would be fulfilling our destiny as Christian people. No theologian ever defined sanctification better (Romans 12:1,2).

The oil lamp on the table tells me that the time period of this picture is pre-electricity on the farm.  So that would be pre World War II, perhaps during the Depression.  By the time I grew up, those oil lamps were already considered antiques, brought out only when the electricity went out. But I still have a couple myself. Yet now that flashlights with good batteries have become ubiquitous, I have not used the old lamps in years. (Is that an oil cloth tablecloth on the table under it?)

As I look out the window in the picture, I notice the tracks in the snow to the barn. The name of this 1000 piece puzzle from White Mountain Puzzles is Country Breakfast. I remember from my childhood farm days that work on the farm commenced before breakfast. The tracks evidence that the farmer in the picture has already been to the barn and spent time there before coming in hungry and ready for a Country Breakfast. The “arctics,” those big black boots with buckles now drying by the stove on the floor, had already been used that morning, making tracks to the barn and back.  My father had usually spent at least two hours at the barn before breakfast.  As a teen, sometimes in the spring I would be expected to help with those morning chores, and I remember how hungry I was by breakfast. 

Of course, there’s the maple syrup on the table too. Farmers often made their own as we did. I remember helping to gather the sweet sap from the trees and helping to feed the fire underneath the boiling pan of sap as my father tended it faithfully to keep it from scorching, something that would ruin the taste. One of my earliest memories is of the year that the spring was too wet for the small tractors of the early 50’s to handle the muddy ruts in the woods. So, my grandfather and my father had rented a team of workhorses to handle the task of gathering sap. I was allowed to “ride” along, meaning hop on the wooden sled with the tank that transported the collected sap to the syrup shanty where it was boiled down.

Did I mention the rug on the floor. My grandmother had several of those braided round or oval rugs. Today you can buy replicas of them, but they are not truly interwoven, only braids stitched together. In the originals, the braids were woven into one another by hand. They were a very sturdy handwork, and a practical way of recycling worn out clothes. They were compromised usually only because someone had chosen a too worn-out or a less durable cloth from which to make a strip.

Even the construction of the room brings back memories. Notice the old wainscoting and chair rail behind the table under the window. Our farmhouse kitchen still had some wainscoting remaining during my childhood. 

Well, I think you can see why I like the puzzle. Every time I study it, another memory comes back from the bank of nostalgia, tagged by some detail in the picture. That’s what makes this one so delightful.